Bookable extras

Plan your summer holiday! Whether it’s a massage or mountain railway tickets, you can plan your holiday now in the ticket shop.

Flexible booking

Early Fix Booking

Book your holiday at the best price. The Fix Booking Rate is non-cancellable!

30% deposit will be charged upon booking, balance to be paid on site. In case of cancellation, 90% of the travel costs will be charged. We recommend taking out cancellation insurance.

Flex Booking

You love flexibility? The Flex Booking Rate can be cancelled free of charge up to 30 days in advance!

A 30% deposit will be charged upon booking, which will be refunded in case of cancellation up to 30 days in advance. If you cancel later, 90% of the travel costs will be charged.

Super Flex Booking

If you want to be completely flexible, the Super Flex Rate is just right for you.

The Super Flex Booking Rate can be cancelled free of charge up to 3 days before arrival! A 30% deposit will be charged upon booking, which will be refunded in case of cancellation up to 3 days before arrival. If you cancel later, 90% of the price will be charged.


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